Deep dive into fundamental insights for next-generation energy materials

Tara Mishra, Zhuohan Li

Recently, there has been a significant drive to develop materials for sustainable energy generation and storage. In this regard, substantial efforts have been directed toward elucidating the fundamental properties of various material classes through theoretical analysis, innovative experimental approaches, and sophisticated characterization techniques. This symposium will concentrate on the deep insights gained from studying cutting-edge materials such as alternative ion batteries (e.g., sodium and potassium), manganese-rich lithium-ion cathodes, and nanoparticles designed for energy storage. The discussions will cover the use of multiscale theoretical models, innovative synthesis methods, and advanced characterization techniques, with a particular emphasis on in-situ methods, to better understand the behavior of these materials.

Friday, August 16

Symposium Location: 59-3101

Symposium Schedule:

2:15 – 2:50 pm

Pieremanuele Canepa, University of Houston

2:50 – 3:10 pm

Piechen Zhong, University of California, Berkeley

3:10 – 3:45 pm

Chongmin Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

3:45 – 4:15 pm

4:15 – 4:50 pm

Guoying Chen, Berkeley Lab

4:50 – 5:10 pm

Nick Juntunen, Stanford University

5:10 – 5:45 pm

Fabiano Bernardi, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
